If you are using Mailscape to monitor Exchange 2013 or higher then you will need to Configure Exchange Namespaces (if you are not using Mailscape to monitor Exchange 2013 or higher, then please do not enable this configuration). Select the Click here link to configure Exchange namespaces (Exchange 2013 and later only).

Select Add… to begin adding the namespace.

A friendly name should be configured to accurately describe the AD site where the Client Access Servers resides to support the external Namespace URL.  Select Next to continue to the configuration.

Run the following Exchange PowerShell cmdlet to identify the host name (or common name which will be something like mail.contoso.com) of the Namespace URLs configured for each Client Access Server: Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory | FL ExternalURL, Server.  Note: if you have several AD Sites, then please plan to run the cmdlet on a Client Access Server located in each of the other AD Sites.  Make a note of each Server Name that has the same external Namespace URL identified.  This information will be used to group Client Access Servers.  

  • The individual Namespace URLs for OWA, ECP, EWS, ActiveSync (please note that /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync may need to be added to the URL), and AutoDiscover may be verified by running the following Exchange PowerShell cmdlets:
  • Get-OWAVirtualDirectory | FL ExternalURL, Server
  • Get-ECPVirtualDirectory | FL ExternalURL, Server
  • Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory | FL ExternalURL, Server
  • Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory | FL ExternalURL, Server
  • Get-AutoDiscoverVirtualDirectory | FL ExternalURL, Server
  • For Outlook Anywhere, we use the following format of the URL where the actual FQDN of a mailbox server needs to replace SERVER.DOMAIN.COM after the "?" and before the ":6001" of the sample URL that is populated.

Once you have entered in each URL, select Next to begin adding the Client Access Servers and DAG members.

Review your notes that identified servers that should be aligned with this particular Namespace and select them from the list and then select Next.

Please remember to enter or verify the credentials for the CAS health tests by visiting the following location of the ENow Admin Console: Server > Tuning Policy > General > Exchange Namespace Monitor Settings.  Select Finish to complete the configuration and repeat the previous steps for each additional Namespace that should be monitored.

When finished adding Namespaces, please select OK.

Select Server > Tuning Policy > General > Exchange Namespace Monitor Settings.  Enter the account details for the on premise internal mail flow test account that was prepared based on the EMS Prerequisites Guide.  All of the test users except for the OWA/ECP test user may be configured as this account.  We recommend using a separate test user account for the OWA/ECP test user settings since it will need to be a member of the Exchange Organization Management security group.  Once you have completed the configuration select Save.

Please remember to install the Exchange Management Tools on the EMS Web Server. Finally, set the ENow Namespace Monitor Windows service to run as a domain account that is a local administrator of the EMS Web server and is a member of the Exchange Organization Management security group.  This completes the configuration of the Exchange Namespace settings.