- April 20th, 2018

Resolved Issues

  • Mailscape: Remote Probe MAPI Client tests failing
  • Platform: Reporting: Resolved issue with the SQL Integration Status Window Apply Exclusions Wording Cut Off and Unreadable
  • Mailscape 365: Reporting: Resolved issue with the ActiveSync reports showing devices that haven’t synced in 30 days
  • Mailscape: Reporting: Platform: Resolved issue with the HTML format of Email report subscriptions causing a wording overlap
  • Mailscape Monitoring : Corrected an issue where we display Error popup when trying to save Tuning Policy settings in some environments
  • Mailscape 365: Prevent a 401 Error From Admin Console Saving Tuning Policy if Reporting Credentials are not saved for Office 365 settings
  • Mailscape 365: Monitoring: Corrected Issue where after Enabling SfB Online you Must Save settings Before You Can Add credentials
  • Mailscape 365:Reporting: Enhanced License reporting by adding the User Usage Workload Summary Report
  • Mailscape 365: Removed the Improper display of label in reports when there is no data to show in the report
  • Mailscape: Monitoring: Enhanced Installation to resolve issue where If 2016 Exchange tools cannot be downloaded Installation is stopped
  • Mailscape: Resolved issue with calculating white space for Exchange 2016.

Known Limitations

  • Platform: Upgrade: Upgrade Agent Server List deleted if not added Correctly to Deployment Page
  • Mailscape: Reporting: Mailscape Exec View Report Has Style Issues When Emailed causing it to look misaligned
  • Mailscape: in some instances the text does not wrap properly on our web page which makes the dashboard page off center
  • Mailscape: Reporting: Send As report fails to populate
  • Mailscape: Reporting: Send On behalf of Audit Report Empty
  • Mailscape 365: Monitoring: SfB online Sign On tests failing
  • Mailscape 365: Monitoring: SfB Online P2P test failing
  • Mailscape 365: Monitoring: Mailscape 365 Remote Probe Shows MAPI Logon Failed - April 5th, 2018

Resolved Issues

  • Mailscape/Mailscape 365: Reporting: Resolved issue with Exchange and Enow Remote Probe latency trending showing error page
  • Mailscape: Reporting: Resolved issue where Outlook users are displaying in Non-outlook users report for in specific environmental conditions
  • Mailscape: changed the SQL Nightly Reconciliation to be turned Off by Default to alleviate report generation issues in specific environmental conditions
  • Mailscape: Reporting: Corrections made to the Logon Statistics reports to resolve issue with no active users showing for Exchange 2016
  • Mailscape: Resolved issue with Exchange 2016 Health Mailboxes showing in Logon Statistic Reports

Known Limitation

  • Mailscape: Reporting: Logon Statistics reports will not run on Exchange 2010 Mailbox role only servers ( workaround possible if needed)
  • Platform: Monitoring: Remote Installer Fails to Set Recovery settings on Client and Admin Services - March 21st, 2018

What’s New

The ENow Management System 7.5.2 introduces a unified set of robust end-user experience testing

capabilities across the Mailscape and Mailscape 365 product line.

The 7.5.2 release is significant because monitoring the experience that end-users have through synthetic

tests when using the Office 365 service is critical to quickly identifying and localizing problems. This

customer-centered approach to monitoring maintains a laser focus on measuring and reporting on the

end-user experience. The modern customer-centered approach injects probes into the locations you

specify to carry out typical end-user tasks and report back on performance. These end-user experience

probes provide the necessary data and resulting analytics to ensure complete visibility into performance

and service quality at each individual location.

Monitoring these specific actions lets our customers see whether the specific tasks that Outlook users

need to perform to get work done are working. This greatly increases the value of remote probes by

giving them more visibility into whether their users can work normally.

The specific tests included are:

Send HTML-formatted mail to user with an attachment using MAPI

  • Send RTF-formatted mail to user with an attachment using MAPI
  • Send message with high importance using MAPI
  • Send mail with Read Receipt using MAPI
  • Send mail with Delivery Receipt using MAPI
  • Get properties of user in Address Book using MAPI
  • Address Book Lookup using MAPI
  • Schedule Meeting (Internal Org) with Free/Busy Lookup Timing using MAPI
  • Check Free/Busy Availability for E2016 mailbox, same site, using EWS
  • Check Free/Busy Availability for E2016 mailbox, different site, using EWS

The last 3 deserve special mention. Outlook uses MAPI for most operations, but there are some for

which it either must or can use EWS. Free/busy lookup is a good example, Because of the way Exchange

works, it’s possible for an Outlook user to be able to log on and send and receive mail, but not see

free/busy. There are several other cases where basic operations might work and EWS operations fail,

and adding these tests provides coverage for all of them.

The result of the 7.5.2 release is the necessary insight and visibility to ensure that day-to-day revenue

generating end-user functions are not interrupted.

Also, of note is the action on the part of Microsoft to deprecate REST API endpoints for Office 365 usage

and activity on October 1st, 2017. The replacement to the deprecated API endpoint is the new Microsoft

Graph reporting APIs. There has been a reduction in the number of available Mailscape 365 reports due

to the limitations of the new Microsoft Graph reporting APIs. New reports will be added into the

Mailscape 365 platform as Microsoft continues to develop the Graph reporting API.

Release Notes
This is an ENow Management System release and contains enhancements for the for Compass,
Mailscape 365, Mailscape, and Uniscope platforms.

  • Made corrections to the Monitoring pages for Compass to include only Compass related
  • Restructure the Mailscape 365 reporting engine to replace Rest API reports with the new Graph
    API reports
  • Enhancements the Mailscape and Mailscape 365 Remote probes to allow for more accurate
    monitoring and improved probe health diagnostics
  • Improve the ENow Installer to use a new URL to download the Exchange 2016 management
    package, saving both time and storage cost.
  • Enhanced the Alerting and Error reporting capabilities of the ENow remote probes
  • Minor corrections to the UI within the ENow admin console to correct issues with font and
    window size
  • Improvements made to resolve potential issues with exporting reports and data into PDF from
    the My Reports page
  • Resolved issue with Exchange 2016 failing to show the whitespace results on some servers
    under Disk Space Monitoring
  • Improvements to Uniscope performance to alleviate resource consumption by our agents
  • List of Know Limitations cataloged and added to release notes for customer review

Resolved Issues

  • Compass: Removed the Disk Performance Indicator from showing on the Domain Controllers
    page since this is an Exchange server monitoring feature
  • Compass: Removed the White Space Column from under Disk Space Monitoring on Domain
    Controllers as this applies only to Mailscape and Exchange Servers
  • Compass: Corrected the GUI Display for the Compass LDAP Bind Time chart to reflect the value
    in Milliseconds
  • Mailscape 365: Reporting: Resolved issue where credentials are not saved for accounts using
    mixed case domain names during Mailscape 365 reporting consent
  • Mailscape 365: Replace backend capture for License Usage Summary report since the
    PowerShell cmdlet has been deprecated by Microsoft
  • Mailscape 365: Microsoft Graph API Reports fail to run due to usernames with special characters
    in display name
  • Mailscape 365: Reports: resolve issue where the Export to PDF function is not working with
    some Mailscape 365 reports
  • Mailscape 365: enhanced the Organizational Health alerting to exclude N/A properties from
    monitoring such as the MailboxMoveEnabled property
  • Mailscape 365: Improved the monitoring of ADFS Single Sign On to resolve logon exception
  • Mailscape 365: Granular remote probe health activity
  • Mailscape 365: Improved remote probe alerting capabilities when remote network connectivity
    is lost
  • Mailscape 365: Improved monitoring of the AD FS MX address as the use of a proxy may have
    resulted in a failed test
  • Mailscape: resolved issue with remote probes causing failures of the heartbeat check frequency
  • Mailscape: Resolved multiple recipient alerts issue due to the MAPI client test report probe
  • Mailscape: Rich remote probe error messages when a critical alert is sent
  • Mailscape: Resolved the sending of E-cloud internet alerts due to the server not checking into
    the ENow web server
  • Mailscape: Improved remote probes to ensure they do not alert if disabled
  • Mailscape: Enhanced the ENow Namespace Monitoring feature to run tests in parallel for real
    time results
  • Mailscape: Monitoring: Update the URL for the Exchange 2016 tool download in the installer to
    use the executable file instead of an ISO
  • Mailscape: Resolved the issue where the Whitespace column was showing as Not Reported
  • Platform: Corrected an issue with the Exchange remote probe threshold values displaying
    outside the section in the ENow Admin Console
  • Platform: Resolved Office 365 remote probe thresholds from displaying multiple times
  • Platform: Resolved potential issue where the Mailscape 365 OAuth test may cause the IIS
    Worker process and PowerShell to cause high resource utilization
  • Platform: Streamlined logging of the Mailscape SQL Service Log file
  • Uniscope: Improved handling of indicators that do not update consistently if using with
    Uniscope OS and Port Monitoring
  • Uniscope: Removed hard coded dependency of service names to allow for support of Skype for
    Business Edge servers
  • Uniscope: Improve Monitoring performance by changing code to run Test-CSIM on only 1 front
    end server in the pool
  • Uniscope: Resolved Issue with Uniscope agents utilizing a high amount of bandwidth due to
    cmdlets running from the front-end servers

Known Limitations
The ENow Management System platform currently has the known limitations:

  • Mailscape 365: Monitoring: To save Skype for Business Online configurations you must enable
    Monitoring, Save the settings and close and reopen the Admin Console
  • Mailscape 365: Reporting: Show Fetching Data in bottom right corner after a data capture is
  • Mailscape 365: When checking the ENow Office 365 service for Skype for Business Online the
    word Lync is found within the log file
  • Mailscape 365: Monitoring: Skype For Business Online Sign On tests failing to update in specific
    environmental conditions
  • Mailscape 365: Monitoring: Skype for Business Online P2P tests fail to update in specific
    environmental conditions
  • Mailscape 365: DirSync Attribute Test fails with enumerator error in specific environmental
  • Mailscape 365: Service Health Dashboard Error descriptions don’t match the Office 365 portal
  • Mailscape 365: Monitoring: Skype For Business Online Network Indicators fail to show when
    Skype for Business Online Autodiscover fails to pass
  • Mailscape: Reporting: Exchange auditing Send as Report fails to populate in specific
    environmental conditions
  • Mailscape: When enabling the Exchange Namespace, a DAG Status indicator is shown when no
    DAG is present
  • Mailscape: Reporting: Exchange auditing Send On behalf of Report fails to populate in specific
    environmental conditions
  • Mailscape: In some instances, the Exchange Probe Settings are not saved unless the Probe
    Configuration Wizard window is saved and the ENow Admin Console Save button is selected
  • Mailscape: Remote Probe Port test runs and checks into the web server even if sites have not
    been specified in the ENow Admin Console
  • Mailscape: The External Mailflow test fails to run after configuration when the correct SAM
    account is not used
  • Mailscape: Currently the SQL nightly reconciliation feature is on by default but should be off for
    enterprise customers
  • Mailscape: Reporting: Size not matching for built-in database size report and MailscapeData
  • Platform: Remote installer fails with unhandled exception when the network path is not