• To verify that this feature is properly set up, from the EMS Webserver, open the EMS Administration Console, and navigate to Server>Tuning Policy>Agent Options>Network Agent.
  • Verify that under the Universal Policy one server is listed as the source Domain Controller.
  • To verify that Compass has successfully placed the test file in the source Domain Controller, navigate to the SYSVOL/SCRIPTS folder of the source Domain Controller, and look for a text document with a name that is a series of letters and numbers, ending with “_CompassReplicationTest”. If the file is not there, attempt to manually create a file and place it in this folder. If you cannot do this, the problem is likely permissions or security with your source DC. If the file is there, but not replicating to the other Domain Controllers, please proceed.
  • If the Compass file is present in your source Doman Controller, the indicator light in the One Look Dashboard for this server should be green. If this is the case, and yet other Domain Controllers are flashing red under FRS Replication, please remote into one of the other Domain Controllers, and see if there is a “_CompassReplicationTest” file in the SYSVOL/SCRIPTS folder of the DC with flashing red lights. If it is not, please go back to your source Domain Controller, and manually create and place a text file in the SYSVOL/SCRIPTS folder next to the “_CompassReplicationTest” document.
  • Again access the SYSVOL/SCRIPTS folder of the Domain Controller that has the indicator light flashing red, and see if the text file you created in the source Domain Controller is present.
  • If there is no file there, Compass has pointed to a legitimate problem, and that is that the SYSVOL/SCRIPTS folder of the DC with the flashing red lights in the One Look Dashboard is not being replicated to from the Domain Controller you have listed as the source.
  • Possible causes of this are the SYSVOL/SCRIPTS folder being corrupted after an authoritative restore, a hard shut down during a power outage, or a failed upgrade from FRS to DFS replication.
  • For additional information on troubleshooting FRS and DFS replication please see the TechNet article here https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb727056.aspx.