SELECT Name,AccountEnabled,MailboxEnabled

FROM OpenExchangePSQuery(


    #Imports the AD PS Module

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

#Gets the status of each AD account

$users = Get-ADUser -Filter *

foreach ($u in $users)


$name = $

$IsEnabled = $u.enabled

$UPN = $u.userprincipalname

#Gets the Exchange mailboxes for each AD user.

$mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails "UserMailbox" | ?{$_.UserPrincipalName -eq "$UPN"}

#Get mailbox statistics for listed mailboxes

foreach ($mbx in $mailboxes)


$MailboxActive = $mbx.IsMailboxEnabled

#Creates a new result table to display the results of the script

foreach ($m in $mailboxactive)

{$Result = New-Object PSObject -Property @{

Name = $name

AccountEnabled = $IsEnabled

MailboxEnabled = $MailboxActive


$Result | select Name,AccountEnabled,MailboxEnabled

              ', POWERSHELL