ENow Management System (EMS) Web Server Installation Guide – Mailscape Only


1.    Unzip the EMS.zip file.

2.    Open the EMS folder and double click the setup file to launch the installation.

3.  Select Install.

4.  Please wait a few minutes for IIS to be enabled with the required role features (Note that a restart of the web server may be required and if this is the case the EMS installer will re-launch and continue with the installation).

5.  Once the IIS role and role features are enabled, select Next to accept the license agreement and then select Next again.

6.   If you need to change the destination folder for the system files or web site files, then select the appropriate Change option.  When ready, select Next to continue with feature selections.

7.  The ENow Management System Web Server is a required feature.  All of the other features are enabled to be installed but are optional.  They can be disabled by clicking the drop down arrow next to each feature and then selecting the “X This feature will not be available”.  Select Help if additional information is required.  Since this guide is focused on Mailscape only, please make sure that it is enabled.  Then review the destination folder (space details are available by selecting Space) and change if needed.  Finally, select Next to select how many users your environment supports (this will adjust several thresholds in the policy settings of the ENow Administration Console and improve the initial experience.

8.  After confirming the Users count, select Next and note that the remaining sections of this installation guide assumes that all features are enabled.

9.  Enabling the Mailscape feature requires the Exchange Management Tools to be installed locally on the EMS web server.  If your internet connection is slow or your web server does not have access to the internet, then you can skip this step by choosing the last option of “Do not Install Exchange Tool” and plan to install from an ISO or other form of installation media.  Please also note that during a migration to a newer version of Exchange, it is recommended to install the newer version of the Exchange Management Tools.  To perform the actual installation please plan to run the following command: Setup.exe /Role:ManagementTools /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms. After making these considerations, select Next (if you have optioned to install the Exchange Management Tools, then please be patient for the download and installation of the Exchange Management Tools to complete) to move forward with the installation.

10. Select Install.  The final installation processes of the EMS web server will continue for a few more minutes.

11. Once it is completed, please select Finish.  The installation of the EMS web server is now complete.  The Installation will now launch the ENow Admin Console.

12. Select Connect to open the ENow Admin Console.

13. If your EMS web server is connected to the internet, then complete the Activation form and select Submit to download a 21-day trial license key.  A trial key is required for all initial deployments of the EMS web server.  If you are not connected to the internet, then please close the activation form and contact your ENow Account Executive or ENow Partner Contact to be provided with a 21-day trial license key.

14. This completes the ENow Management System (EMS) Web Server Installation Guide – Mailscape Only.  Please plan to refer to the Mailscape Configuration Guide for the next steps to fine tune the ENow Admin Console.